The Only True God
The Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

The only true God is beyond human comprehension.

He is glorious and beautiful beyond description.

He is magnificent in splendor.

He is too wonderful for us to understand.

He is righteous and perfect in all His ways.

He only does wondrous things.

He is holy.

He is merciful.

He is gracious.

He is giving.

He gives every good and perfect gift.

He is longsuffering, slow to anger and patient.

He is abounding in goodness and lovingkindness.

He is abounding in truth and faithfulness.

His truth is everlasting.

He keeps mercy for thousands.

He forgives iniquity, transgression and sin.

He stops the iniquity of fathers at the third and fourth generation, because He is merciful.

His faithfulness continues to all generations.

His steadfast love endures forever.

His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting to those who fear Him.

He is merciful and full of compassion.

He is great in kindness and good to all.

He is kind, even to the unthankful, ungrateful, evil and wicked (Luke 6:35).

He is righteous in all His ways.

All His ways are just, fair, excellent and perfect.

His understanding is infinite.

His wisdom is pure, peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy, good fruits, unwavering and without partiality.

His judgments and ways are unsearchable.

His thoughts are past finding out.

His greatness is inconceivable.

His power is infinite.