
Everything about the only true God is an eternal revelation.

He is so wonderful and beautiful, human words cannot express Him and His glory.

He has revealed Himself as the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

His glory fills the universe. The universe exists in Him. He holds it all together through the greatness of His power.

His presence and glory is everywhere on the earth.

The heavens declare His glory. The earth reveals His glory. Humans can know His glory.

The third heaven, His home, is made from His glory. It is filled with the presence of Jesus. Heaven is permeated with the presence and glory of God.

Everyone who has been to heaven says the same thing: it cannot be expressed in words. Everything is glorious, wonderful, perfect: the gates, walls, twelve foundations, buildings, mansions, mountains, hills, river of life, streets of gold, angels, saints . . . everything.

Angels are made from God’s glory. They are spirit beings. They are innumerable and likely in the billions.

There are five divisions of God’s heavenly army. The most numerable class is likely the ministering angels. They are about eight to ten feet tall and have bodies like humans (head, body, arms, legs, etc.). They minister to the saints. They always see the face of the Father.

Angels are eternal. Therefore, there had to be a place for the enemy and his angels, all fallen, for eternity. God withdrew Himself from that place, which is why hell is such a horrible place, with nothing good.

The wonderful things God gives to humans are not in hell. Examples are: love, faith, hope, joy, peace, family, friends, light, food, water and more.

The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. He created it. He sustains it. Everything in the natural world reveals God’s divine nature and eternal spiritual truth. He made man the king of the earth, which is an extension of the third heaven.

Believe it or not, the natural world is made from God’s glory. It is in a fallen state, due to the fall of the enemy and of man. But everything natural still reveals and declares God’s glory.

The sun reveals the trinity. The sun, the light and the life it gives reveal the Father, Jesus Christ, the light of the world, and the Holy Spirit. Whoever receives Him will possess what Jesus called “the light of life” (John

Living things are alive because of God’s power and glory. Humans are God’s masterpiece, made in His image. Every human soul is eternal and priceless, worth more than the world and everything in it (Matthew 16:26).

All living things began as a seed. Every seed must die to produce life. Jesus revealed that we must “die,” that is, lose our old nature, to find eternal life. This truth is one of Jesus’ main teachings.

When someone is saved, they have the glory of God within their spirit person, the real them.

They are in Him, and Jesus is in them. If they continue on with Jesus, they will live forever in glory. They will never die.

A saint begins to know His glory when they are born of water and the Spirit, the second of the four phases of knowing Him.

The real battle in the universe is God against the enemy. Jesus called him “the ruler/prince of this world.”

An absolute tragedy is that anyone who is not saved is actually in the enemy’s kingdom. If a person chooses self instead of God, they will spend eternity in the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

The saved, those written in the Lamb’s book of life, will spend eternity in glory.

Amen! Thank you Jesus!