The only true God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is an eternal revelation.
Those who make it to heaven will be in awe of Him, forever.
They will be in awe of the Father God Almighty, who gave and gives His Son Jesus to the world; of Jesus Christ who gave and gives Himself to humanity; and of the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of the Father and of Jesus Christ.
They will be in awe of the Lord God who saves . . . and does infinitely, eternally more.

God the Father gave His Son to humanity (John 3:16).
He sent Jesus Christ, that the world might be saved (John 3:17).
Jesus saves.
Jesus Christ gave and gives Himself to the world. He died for the life of the world (John 6:51).
Jesus is the savior.

God has given Jesus to mankind eternally in three ways:

1. God gave His Son as a man, who died for the world.
2. Since Jesus died, God has given Jesus to the world through the Holy Spirit.
3. He will give Jesus to the saints through the Holy Spirit, forever (John 14:16).