Revelation 21 reveals God’s royalty, majesty, beauty and more. The glory of the Lord is the Lord… the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Man was born to fellowship with Him. Jesus offers fellowship. Amen!

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Some examples of what the great and awesome God does….

Jesus Loves
Jesus Saves
Jesus Heals
Jesus Delivers
Jesus Redeems
Jesus Invites
Jesus Gives
Jesus Gives the Kingdom
Jesus Gives Himself
Jesus Blesses
Jesus Speaks
Jesus Teaches
Jesus Leads
Jesus Reveals
Jesus Baptizes
Jesus Anoints
Jesus Sets Free
Jesus Prays and Intercedes
Jesus Reveals Himself
Jesus Hides
Jesus Exalts
Jesus Promises
Jesus Knocks on the Door of Your Heart
Jesus Offers Fellowship
Jesus Reigns

If you are thirsty, Jesus gives you living water so that you will never thirst, which springs up into everlasting life.
If you are hungry, Jesus the bread of life fully satisfies you so that you will never hunger or thirst . . . and you will live forever.
If you are in the dark, Jesus the light of the world gives you the light of life.
If you regret the past and fear the future, Jesus the I AM gives you happiness, fullness of joy, perfect peace, rest, hope and infinitely more.
If you fear death, Jesus the resurrection and the life gives you eternal life so you will never die.
If you need anything, Jesus the good shepherd leads and guides you to everlasting life.
If you are lost, Jesus the way, truth and the life leads you on the way to truth, eternal life and infinitely more.
If you want to have purpose, Jesus the true vine invites you to be His disciple and accomplish things that last forever.

If you want spiritual security, Jesus the door saves you and gives you abundant life, to the full until it overflows.

From Matthew 5:3-9:
If you are spiritually hungry and go directly to God, Jesus gives you the kingdom of heaven.
If you mourn over your sin, Jesus comforts you.
If you are consecrated God, Jesus gives you the earth.
If you hunger and thirst for righteousness, Jesus fills you with the Holy Spirit.
If you are merciful, God and Jesus have mercy on you.
If you have a single, pure devotion to God, you shall see Him and Jesus.
If you are a peacemaker and proclaim the gospel, Jesus allows you to be a son of God.

If someone is a “spiritual beggar,” God offers them the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:3).

If someone mourns over their sin, God comforts them (Matthew 5:4).

Those who are consecrated to God shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5).

Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, shall be filled with the Holy Spirit (Matthew 5:6).

Those who are merciful shall receive mercy (Matthew 5:7).

Those having a single, pure devotion to God (“pure in heart”) shall see Him (Matthew 5:8).

Those who are peacemakers shall be called sons of God (Matthew 5:9).

You are Eternal
The Tragedy
The Choice