“Hell: 13 Testimonies from a Real Place” is one of the most descriptive books about hell ever published. The more than 150 pages offer incredible insight into the after-life, including the first-ever diagram of hell, “Hell and It’s Chambers.” Download the book & the diagram for free on this site (below; on home page; in the “Books” section). To view & purchase the print & e-book editions, click on the links below. View/download the Hell Diagram at the link below.
Hell is a real, actual place, with horrors beyond description. In hell, lost humans endure eternal fire, torment, and unimaginable suffering, forever. Based on more than 20 years of research, “Hell: 13 Testimonies” is among the most descriptive books about hell ever published. The more than 150 pages include: 13 testimonies from people who have been to hell, describing in detail hell and its horrors; the first ever detailed diagram of hell and its chambers; every Bible verse about hell; truths and revelations from Jesus Christ about hell; and much more. Anyone who dies without knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior goes to hell, forever, with no way out. Hell is a place of eternal death. To avoid hell, a person must repent and follow Jesus Christ while alive on earth. Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels – not for man. But Satan deceives many into following him to hell. In hell, humans’ have all their senses, which are a lot stronger there. Hell is currently in the center of the earth. At the end times, hell will be thrown into the lake of fire, along with anyone not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 20:15). Repent, for the presence of Jesus Christ is here, and believe the gospel, the great news of Jesus Christ. Receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, spend eternity in heaven and avoid hell.
“Hell: 13 Testimonies” print edition
“Hell: 13 Testimonies” e-book edition Kindle
Read/Download “Hell: 13 Testimonies” for free
View/Download Hell Diagram for free

Below is the first ever Diagram of Hell, “Hell and It’s Chambers,” available exclusively through Wonder & Reality. The Diagram presents perhaps the most detailed written and visual depiction of hell ever published. Fully based on scripture, Jesus’ teachings, and other anointed works, the Diagram is available for free download on this website. Click here to download “Hell and It’s Chambers” now!